Sunday, July 23, 2006

ebXML registry profile for OWL

This document defines the ebXML Registry profile for publishing, management, discovery and
reuse of OWL Lite Ontologies.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

ebXML registry aiming to become OWL aware.

This paper addresses how ebXML registry semantics support can be further enhanced to make it OWL aware.

Accoridng to authors, there are basically three ways of achieving this: The first one is mapping OWL constructs to ebXML registry information model constructs without modifying the registry architecture and implementation. In this way, the semantic explicitly stored in the registry can be retrieved through querying; yet, the application program must contain additional code to process this semantics. The second approach is additionally providing predefined stored procedures in the registry for processing the OWL constructs. We believe that this approach is quite powerful to associate semantics with registry objects: it becomes possible to retrieve knowledge through queries and the enhancements to the registry are generic. The capabilities provided move the semantics support beyond what is currently available in ebXML registries and it does so by using a standard ontology language. The third approach is changing the ebXML registry to support OWL with full reasoning capabilities. However, this approach requires considerable changes in the registry architecture.

Since our aim is to make the ebXML registry OWL aware by keeping the registry specification
intact, we take the second approach. To be able to demonstrate the benefits of the enhancements, we also show how the resulting semantics can be made use of in Web service discovery and

What does these terms mean: Vocabulary, Ontology, Taxonomy and TopicMaps in the context of Semantic Web?

Vocabulary: A term is a named concept and a voabulary can be defined as a set of terms. Examples include: DC, SKOS, FOAF, PRISM

Taxanomy: A taxonomy is a hierarchical categorization of concepts based on relatedness.

Ontologies model a little piece of existence or knowledge. For example, philosophers use ontology as a tool to describe states of being in the physical world (as opposed to discussions about metaphysics and the beyond).

From a more modern perspective, taxonomies are used to help people find and retrieve information, and ontologies are used by computer programmers to reuse and transmit data.

Controlled vocabulary: A controlled vocabulary is usually a strict list of terms that describe some kind of subject matter. From a strict point of view, a controlled vocabulary is fundamentally identical to a taxonomy. They both provide a roadmap to working effectively with a body of knowledge. A thesaurus is a special kind of controlled vocabulary, one that allows you to define synonyms, antonyms, and other relationships. (In your ecommerce store, anyone who searches for a jacket is also shown blazers and coats, for instance.)

Topic Maps: Topic maps are very similar to other categorization schemas, and even has its own international standard (ISO 13250).

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Visit to Pompie.

I am currently visiting Portsmouth (Pompie) as part of my part-time PhD requirement. Weather is getting warmer and warmer. I am staying @ Aamir's place. Aamir is almost finishing his PhD now a days and we know each other mainly from CERN research lab @ NIIT. Aamir has been working for HPC using Java for three years of his PhD. He has developed a library known as (MPJ-Express) for writing MPI-style parallel applications using Java.

I didnot really like the food here. I think the reason behind this is that, i am now addicted to home made food since i got married in November, 2005.

My wife (Nadia) really makes delicious food and there is no wonder why i don't like my favorite tuna sandwitches now, although i survived two years of my life on them.