Thursday, January 25, 2007

Benchmarking Database Representations of RDF/S Stores

In this paper we benchmark three popular database representations
of RDF/S schemata and data: (a) a schema-aware (i.e., one table
per RDF/S class or property) with explicit (ISA) or implicit (NOISA)
storage of subsumption relationships, (b) a schema-oblivious (i.e., a single
table with triples of the form hsubject-predicate-objecti), using (ID)
or not (URI) identi ers to represent resources and (c) a hybrid of the
schema-aware and schema-oblivious representations (i.e., one table per
RDF/S meta-class by distinguishing also the range type of properties).
Furthermore, we benchmark two common approaches for evaluating taxonomic
queries either on-the-y (ISA, NOISA, Hybrid), or by precomputing
the transitive closure of subsumption relationships (MatView, URI,
ID). The main conclusion drawn from our experiments is that the evaluation
of taxonomic queries is most ecient over RDF/S stores utilizing the
Hybrid and MatView representations. Of the rest, schema-aware representations
(ISA, NOISA) exhibit overall better performance than URI, which
is superior to that of ID, which exhibits the overall worst performance.


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